

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today's Poem or Short Story Prompt: The Word "Protein"

This blog is devoted to a select group of poets. We're starting with poets from the Ann Arbor area, but, hey, if you're from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw or the Upper Peninsula, then that is okay, too.

Our goal is to provide you with a prompt every day from which you are to garner inspiration and submit a poem. How to submit will be very easy.  Just put your poem or short story  in the comments section and hit post. You may not immediately see your post, but it is there under the "Comments" section. You may need to click on "Comments" to see your poem.  It is there on another page.
You may need to have a Gmail account to post in the comments section.  Most of you do have Gmail, but for those of you that don't it's extremely worthwhile to open up one now!  That way you've got a chance to get your work out there in the world.

Today's poem or short story prompt is the word " protein"


  1. Interview Questions Involving Protein & Faith

    Could you tell us how you would work with
    The immigrant population?

    What goes through my head is:
    Talk about putting people in a category
    Like the fact that you packed up from one place
    Moved to another place
    For any one of a hundred reasons
    Makes you an entity
    You are immigrant

    Pass customs
    Stamp of approval
    English lessons at night school
    Where you are again immigrant
    You were a doctor or a teacher or fixed clocks
    Or cared for the elderly or worked
    Any of a thousand jobs
    The way the world oscillates and burns

    You tell yourself it will be like school
    You figure it will be like college
    If you work hard
    Study all night
    Go without meat sleep luxuries
    Maybe you will graduate in three years
    If you get lazy
    The ususal four

    I do not say what I'm thinking

    Back to the interview
    Next question:
    Faith hope love
    Of the three
    Which one is the most important
    Quickly now
    Right off the top of your head
    Whatever comes first

    I give myself two seconds
    Surprise myself with my answer
    I don't know precisely why
    I wouldn't chose love or faith
    (Who doesn't like love or faith)
    It's just now
    Afer fifty-six years on the planet
    (The only planet I've known
    as far as I can tell)
    Hope has stood ground
    Hope opened my eyes in the morning
    Hope lent me a pillow at night
    In between hope pulsed
    Like a good sun
    Prayed-for rain
    Favorite number

    I cannot give you another other explanation
    That one was from my heart
    It will have to suffice



    -> amino acid

    -> building block

    -> muscle

    -> fascia

    -> Rolfing

    -> Ida Pauline Rolf

    -> Barnard College

    -> Boston College

    -> Mary Daly

    -> Outercourse

    -> The Voyage of Outercourse is Metapatriarchal Time/Space Travel, which takes the shape of quadruple Spiraling. Its parts (Spirals) describe clusters of Moments, each involving/requiring gigantic qualitative leaps into Other dimensions of the Background.

    -> gigantic leaps

    -> happiness

    -> performance

    -> audience

    -> Gene

    -> ancestors

    -> hunting

    -> diet

    -> protein

    - Mike Fedel
    May, 2013
