

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Today's Poem or Short Story Prompt: The Word "Problems"

This blog is devoted to a select group of poets. We're starting with poets from the Ann Arbor area, but, hey, if you're from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw or the Upper Peninsula, then that is okay, too.  We've even been so generous to accept poets from other parts of the USA and the entire country of Canada!  

Our goal is to provide you with a prompt every day from which you are to garner inspiration and submit a poem. How to submit will be very easy.  Just put your poem or short story  in the comments section and hit post. You may not immediately see your post, but it is there under the "Comments" section. You may need to click on "Comments" to see your poem.  It is there on another page.

You may need to have a Gmail or Yahoo or AOL account to post in the comments section.  Most of you do have Gmail or Yahoo or AOL, but for those of you that don't, it's extremely worthwhile to open up one of these email accounts now!  This way you've got a chance to get your work out there in the world.

Today's poem or short story prompt is the word "problems"



  1. Pressure

    New studies suggest that barometric pressure affects mood
    Particularly depression
    Which is my default predisposition
    Since turning fifty

    I used to think my melancholy was genetic
    Since bad problems have run in the family
    Varicose veins and early hysterectomies
    Poor impulse control and loud voices

    Yet information
    From reliable sources of a scientific nature
    Have proven what were once invisible theories
    That there's only a dozen spots on earth
    Where that air density is stable and trustworthy
    Where when you get up in the morning
    You're guaranteed a happy day

    I don't live in one of these fortunate places
    Once again
    Victim to forces outside my control

    Catherine Powers
    October 2013
    Copyright 2013


    In the song
    "Watching the Wheels",
    John Lennon said:
    "I tell them there's no problems,
    only solutions"

    There is a popular notion
    that the Chinese character for
    "crisis" is comprised of
    the character for "problem" and
    the character for "opportunity"

    Some smiling people tell us that
    God will never give us
    more than we can handle

    Lennon is wrong,
    though what can you expect
    from a guy who believed
    "All you need is love?"

    The Chinese character ji
    in weiji means
    "incipient moment; crucial point"
    which only an optimist
    would interpret at "meaning"

    and God?

    She's just shaking her head...

    Mike Fedel
    - October, 2013

    For more on weiji,
