

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Today's Poem or Short Story Prompt: The Word "birthday" (4/14)

This blog is devoted to a select group of poets. We're starting with poets from the Ann Arbor area, but, hey, if you're from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw or the Upper Peninsula, then that is okay, too.

Our goal is to provide you with a prompt every day from which you are to garner inspiration and submit a poem. How to submit will be very easy.  Just put your poem or short story  in the comments section and hit post. You may not immediately see your post, but it is there under the "Comments" section. You may need to click on "Comments" to see your poem.  It is there on another page.
You may need to have a Gmail account to post in the comments section.  Most of you do have Gmail, but for those of you that don't it's extremely worthwhile to open up one now!  That way you've got a chance to get your work out there in the world.

Today's poem or short story prompt is the word "birthday"



    Did I really
    use "birthday"
    as today's prompt
    just so I could
    "happy birthday"
    to my daughter?


    - Mike Fedel
    April, 2013

  2. No Card This Year

    On my birthday
    I disowned him as a father
    I had plans that involved
    Getting rid of him
    Once and for all
    Though once is probably enough but
    If I could kill him seven ways
    Over seven days
    You get the point
    I'm angry I am
    Open the Sunday paper
    See his name
    Then Dearly Departed
    It is short
    To the point
    As they charge for each word

    I will look sad
    Wear black
    Dress shoes and stockings
    Deliver a years in the making
    Memorable and heart-felt eulogy
    It's a farce
    That's my secret
    Light camera action
    Fade in
    Fade out
    End a fift seven year long scene
    Someone as practiced as me
    Could have been a serial killer
    I grew up
    One superb actress

    Catherine Powers
    April 27, 2013
    Copyright 2012
