

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today's Word or Short Story Prompt: The Word "hatch"

This blog is devoted to a select group of poets. We're starting with poets from the Ann Arbor area, but, hey, if you're from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw or the Upper Peninsula, then that is okay, too.

Our goal is to provide you with a prompt every day from which you are to garner inspiration and submit a poem. How to submit will be very easy.  Just put your poem or short story  in the comments section and hit post. You may not immediately see your post, but it is there under the "Comments" section. You may need to click on "Comments" to see your poem.  It is there on another page.

You may need to have a Gmail account to post in the comments section.  Most of you do have Gmail, but for those of you that don't it's extremely worthwhile to open up one now!  That way you've got a chance to get your work out there in the world.

Today's poem or short story prompt is "hatch


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  2. PART 3 of 7

    It was different, somehow, resting his right cheek on the table. For one thing, his tongue felt odd, probing the tooth his dentist had warned him about and now wanted to fill. Or was it a crown? He wasn't sure. It didn't feel regal in any way, so it must have been a filling. Though that didn't seem right either. Oh well, who cares?

    You have to care. You're going to have this mouth a long time.

    The mouth, yes. The tooth, who knows?

    Why are you like this? What's different this week?

    I don't know. Leave me alone.

    The voice left as quickly as it had come. That was good, Joe thought, I don't need two people in here. The quiet inside his head grew until it filled every spot from ear to ear, chin to hair. That felt good. Quiet was good. He remembered hearing that. He'd done his best at the audition, but the director's advice was "quiet is good too." It was fine. He didn't want to learn Italian songs anyway.

    Except one.

    It had been at a wedding years ago. They were finishing law school and he was sitting with a group of friends near the back. They'd known the girl since their freshman year when she'd dated three of the five of them. Not all at the same time, though some days they wondered. She was insatiable and none of them could imagine her married. But here they were and there she was.

    Halfway through the reception, the DJ played "che La Luna". The song was catchy and the translation made him laugh. She wasn't marrying a fisherman or a farmer, though. He was a history student, so they'd be living off of her income.

    He was pretty certain the director wasn't going to have them sing "che La Luna", so it really didn't matter if he passed the audition or not.

    The small group of lawyers had toasted her from their table in the back of the room. "Down the hatch!" they yelled together. She raised her champagne glass and they all had their last drink together as a group.

    They saw her once or twice after the wedding, but they didn't drink.

    - Mike Fedel
    August, 2013
